Customer Communication Management & the Cloud — The Sky’s the Limit

4 min readJul 22, 2021

Why do cloud capabilities interfere with traditional CCM?
The legacy of core CCM capabilities is the creation, distribution, storage, and retrieval of outbound communications. In the past, these communications were largely distributed through print-based media.

Not anymore.

Digital caused a paradigm shift. Today’s global communications are distributed through email, websites, social media, white papers, and more. These transmissions move beyond one-way communications — integrating interactive forms into customer interactions has become a prospect — drastically reducing the time it takes to create complex, personalized content for delivery across channels. Using an extensible CCM solution through the cloud allows companies to influence the cloud and their communication efforts, so they win on several levels:

It empowers companies to coordinate omnichannel communications from a single point of view, ensuring that messages delivered through various media are timely and consistent.

It gives them the ability to enjoy enterprise-wide automation that extends across multiple functions.

It allows companies to modernize processes and achieve previously unattainable or unpredictable results.

It affects the ability to tell data to develop the insights and target messages needed to support message tracking.

It can generate a lot of ROI in CCM.
How does the cloud improve CCM?
While current CCM users today appreciate the speed with which they offer on-premises and hybrid solutions, they are offering significant benefits to those who want to add functionality through cloud APIs and cloud-delivery applications. According to experts in the field, the reason for the company’s CCM system performance is cloud turbo-charging, the ability to connect and automate workflows to speed up processes.

By doing so, it is possible to respond quickly to cloud opportunities, achieve greater stability in the marketing/sales/delivery process, and enjoy higher ROI on technology and staff.

How to persuade C-Suite to invest in cloud-enhanced CCM
Going to the cloud is nice and good, but it doesn’t happen unless you can buy it from C-Suite.

In general, solutions that offer compelling financial benefits, provide greater operational efficiency, enable companies to outperform competitors, and establish strong customer relationships are likely to gain C-Suite support.

In the case of cloud-based CCM, you do not have to worry. These compelling arguments are “Where should I sign?” Must have suits that ask.

Cloud systems are considered to be less costly than traditional systems.
Customer agents and agents get more productive.

Product and sales management can identify opportunities to expand into new segments and improve exchange / close rates.

Apart from achieving savings, it also offers better top-line performance.
Eliminates the risk of relying on aging technology.
Makes business-critical applications update future-proof.

Concerned neo-hippies and their global warming, I’ll tell ya.
In short, the security of cloud facilities is not an issue.

Data centers run by Amazon, Microsoft, and other cloud leaders are virtually safer than all corporate data centers.

Therefore your company’s security teams should not suspend cloud activities based on unsubstantiated cloud security concerns. If you allow them, your company will lose opportunities and the ability to operate more efficiently and effectively.

The 5-step process for cloud-based CCM utopia
Like most things, cloud-based CCM is an ever-evolving journey. Also, your company will improve existing tasks and processes, achieve new capabilities, enhance deep customer relationships and expand to new channels and advanced levels.

To help guide you through this journey, here is a 5-step process:

1. Change the customer experience with strategic planning. Ask yourself what you want to do differently or better as a business. How and why changes increase the number of customers providing services, the value of those customers, and their tendency to become long-term advocates for the business.

2. Decide what cloud capabilities you need to reach your goals. Manage an action plan to determine what capabilities you need from your cloud solution to achieve your vision.

3. Perform a gap analysis. Assemble your IT people and key stakeholders and ask tough questions to keep an accurate picture of the current state of your capabilities and where they will fall in achieving your corporate goals. It provides a baseline that identifies ways in which new systems can meaningfully contribute to better business results.

4. Define the required capabilities. This step requires looking beyond understanding your current limitations and considering and identifying new capabilities that will accelerate the future growth of your organization.

5. Define the required solution. Once you have completed the first four steps of the process, you will have the perspective you need to define what your solution is to achieve the vision that your organization is moving forward with.

To know more about Ccm, We would be interested to learn how your organization navigates complexity and how much control you would like to give your business users over-regulated or marketing communications, from creation, management, personalization, targeting, to delivery and access to reporting. Visit our website




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