Is Digital Operations truly the Fortune of ECM?

Benevolence Technologies
4 min readMar 9, 2022


Are you tired of digital transformation? If you have one, this is not surprising — since its inception, everything from web design to ERP has claimed the status of digital transformation.

So, when an enterprise customer said to me, “We don’t need a digital transformation strategy for our business, we need a business strategy for the digital world,” which was summarized for me where many businesses today Institutions find themselves.

We need to refocus the discussion of digital transmission on the practical thinking process of digital operations. Why? Because it helps us understand how we do business.

Digital Operations — Just Another Term for Digital Transformation?

One of Charles’ first questions was whether I was playing with terms. No, digital operations are not a new term for digital transformation, it is about redefining the business strategy based on which your systems, information, and business processes need to work together in the digital world. To improve the experiences of your customers, citizens, and employees. Related. From bricks and mortar to the palm of your hand.

The banking sector provides a powerful example of why we need digital operations because it has had to rethink the way it works dramatically. Over the past decades, banks have evolved from bricks and mortar to giant locks, powerful databases to high-tech glass palaces, something we talk about on our phones. Banks were the places we went to but today they come to us. They have responded to the challenges of the digital world by taking all the functionality of a branch and shrinking it to fit in the palm of your hand. And, because of this experience, consumers, employees, and citizens are demanding the same in all industries.

Digital inside, Digital outside

An important component of digital operations (and a useful way to organize your ideas) is to consider digital inside and outside of your business operations. Many times, organizations will focus on their digital out-of-portals, websites, and apps that touch their end-users and the wider ecosystem. The challenge comes when they need to connect to an internal digital — the operational system that employees rely on to do their job. When they don’t communicate properly, the customer experience is compromised, and employee frustration increases.

By mapping out business processes from within your business to the outside world and again, you can re-evaluate how you would like them to work, identify areas of pain and identify what needs to be done. From here, things get trickier, and this is where the true benefits of investing are made.

People vs system?

Want to check if the technology idea is good? Ask yourself if it will improve the user experience. If not, it’s not worth it. A common mistake in a technology project is to ignore the human impact — when that happens the user adoption is reduced, and the project fails. By adopting a digital operations approach, you reduce this risk by breaking down what is people-based and system-based.

The people-oriented factor needs to think about the actions that affect your human interaction and how they can be quick and straightforward.

The system-based element focuses on how to seamlessly support the interaction between internal and external applications that you have identified.

Putting the people-oriented element first helps you align your priorities, ensuring that systems are in place to support the human experience.

So, where is ECM in all this?

Naturally, there is a lot of content in digital operations, and I see it as a basic platform for creating extraordinary experiences. ECM is already evolving into content services as barriers between markets break down — but it doesn’t stop there. We’re seeing the intersection of content, processes, messaging, and all sorts of other things. What this means for CIOs, enterprise architects, and digital leaders is that they are devoting a lot of time to trying to solve business problems — and that is why I believe digital operations are the future of ECM.

Do digital operations mean another big project?

short answer? no. Digital Operations offers a smart, structured way of thinking about business transformation and testing if your business is moving in the right direction to succeed in the digital world.

For example, you can start with your operation and see how they align with the model. Are they digital in terms of the processor are they complex and dependent on manual work or paper?

Or, if you’re already running a digital transformation project, look at the people involved and the process. Have you just got a shiny interface or are they backing up your employees and the ecosystem with something far more important than it is?

Need a business strategy for the digital world?

Digital operations are not the only future of ECM. This is a practical way to create a business strategy that encourages the use of critical thinking. If you need a business strategy for the digital world, I encourage you to watch the webinar — you’ll find all the details, access to the slides you need to communicate within your organization. It Will help, and the opportunity to hear the result of the question and answer.

BENEVOLENCE TECHNOLOGIES is a leader in Enterprise Content Management products services. Our EIM products enable businesses to grow faster, lower operational costs, and reduce information governance and security risks by improving business insight, impact, and process speed. We power digital transformations to empower the intelligent and connected enterprise.



Benevolence Technologies
Benevolence Technologies

Written by Benevolence Technologies

BENEVOLENCE TECHNOLOGIES is a leader in Enterprise Information on Management (EIM) products services. Our EIM products enable businesses to grow faster.

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