3 min readDec 27, 2022

Tips on How to Choose the Best Customer Communications Management Solution

As with any software solution, you want to make sure that the CCM software you choose can help you meet your business goals, stay within your budget, and grow with you. Here are five top tips to help you choose the best customer communication management software for your needs.

1. Multichannel What customer communication channels does your business use today? Most companies use a combination of phone support, email, live chat, social and knowledge base. The customer communication management software you choose should support all of this and more. Ideally, you want your CCM software to scale with you, so look for capabilities and features beyond what you’re currently using

2. Integration While most CCM solutions manage customer contact information, you probably already have a CRM that your employees love to use and an ERP that handles financial and other processes. Find customer communication management software that integrates with your current systems, including your CRM, ERP, content management system (CMS), customer service platform, or any other software-driven systems you rely on.

3. Personalize and contextualize. Personalized and contextualized customer communication is a key strategy for building loyalty and trust and is the cornerstone of the best customer communication management software solutions. Choose CCM software that makes personalization easy.

4. User-friendly. You need to make sure your customer communication management software is easy to use for both technical and non-technical employees. Broad adoption across the enterprise accelerates time to value and ensures you get the most out of your CCM software.

5. Advanced Analytics. The best customer communication management software will give you detailed data on your customer communications — which means it pulls data from all your channels. Find customer communication management software that provides comprehensive business intelligence across all your channels.

Key Features of the Best CCM Solutions

CCM solutions are sometimes industry-specific, but most provide the following basic capabilities:

· Track inbound and outbound communications

· Manage customer and supplier contact information

· Automate communication workflow and content distribution

· Personalized communication

· Integrate with CRM

· Provide communication templates for various purposes (mobile phone, SMS, email, etc.)

· Template design, formatting, and management. Templates help organizations simplify and optimize customer communication management, reduce costs, and increase user engagement.

· Document creation and management

· Maintain the security of documents and databases

Provides detailed analytics (on open rates, bounce messages, error addresses, etc.)

CCM solutions also support omnichannel communications, helping you maintain consistency and tone across all channels. Messages are instantly optimized for the target device, meaning your customers will always look familiar whether they receive their messages on their mobile, tablet, desktop, or email.

Interactive forms and direct communication are also possible with customer communication management software, enabling you to gather information, obtain signatures, generate invoices, personalize quotes, or support tickets, create new accounts, and collect leads 24/7.

A single, flexible CCM system can be used for everything from new product launches, promotions, appointment reminders, and emergency communications. For example, customer communication management software can quickly inform your customers about new COVID protocols or inform them about upcoming website maintenance or service outages. They’ll appreciate you taking the time to let them know, and you’ll feel confident that the mail was received and opened.

The CCM solution you need

Customer communication management software is vital to support optimizing and automating communication workflows, increasing customer engagement, building strong relationships, and gaining insight into the success of your efforts.

Bentech’s CCM solutions are designed just for you, integrated with your current systems, and tailored to your workflow to ensure the best possible results.


BENEVOLENCE TECHNOLOGIES is a leader in Enterprise Information on Management (EIM) products services. Our EIM products enable businesses to grow faster.